ecom industries

Programmatic Internet

Break out of the Google & Facebook duopoly

We’ve taken the powerful ad targeting tools that big businesses have used for years and made them simple, effective and affordable for you. Programmatic advertising means better results at lower prices.


Reach exactly the people you want.

The beauty of online advertising is that you can target your ads to the people most likely to buy from you. It is almost shocking how well you can target ads when you have access to the right tools. As always, ecomindustries makes it easy.

audience targeting


Free ads for every type of business. Even yours.

Ecom Industries contains over 15 million pre-designed internet ads for virtually every kind of business. Just choose your specialty and then pick the ads you like. It’s as simple as that. Don’t see ads for your business type? Tell us and we’ll make you some for free.


You choose the sites that matter most.

Ecom Industries runs your ads across the entire internet ecosystem, automatically placing your ads on the sites that generate the best results. If placing your ads on specific websites is important for your brand, Ecom Industries makes that easy too.

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Big Data to Reach Your Most Likely Buyers.

Need to reach people who love flowers? Or buy luxury goods? Or have children of a certain age? How about exotic pet owners who smoke cigars? Ecom Industries has all those audiences and more. Ecom Industriestries connects to all the largest customer data providers, so you can target your ads to the exact types of people you want to reach. With over 250,000 audience characteristics to choose from, you can advertise based on your ideal demographics, interests, behaviors and more.
Who is your ideal customer? Chances are, Ecom Industries can put that exact audience at your fingertips.


Location-Based Advertising Made Easy

There are countless ways to use geo-targeting to reach your ideal customer. Here are some of the most popular methods, all of which Ecom Industries makes possible.

Local Ads for Small Business

If you have a small shop or restaurant, it doesn't make sense to spread your advertising all over the city. Target your ads to people who are close enough to buy from you. Show special offers at peak times. Advertise walk-in specials to people within walking distance. Ecom Industries makes it easy.

Combine with Audiences & Demographics

With Ecom Industries, you can combine your geo-campaign with other targeting types, such as demographics or a custom audience. Need to deliver ads to people within a certain location, but only if they are women over 40? No problem. Or maybe you have a specific list of customers you want to show ads to, but only when they are physically nearby. Ecom Industries makes it easy.

Competitor Targeting

Geo-targeting is also useful for delivering ads to people while they are shopping with your competitors. If someone is visiting your competitor's showroom, showing them a mobile ad with a special offer can be a powerful incentive.

Event Targeting

You can use Ecom Industries to target people while they're at specific events. Couldn't afford a booth at that important industry conference? Use Ecom Industries to advertise to everyone who's there.

B2B Marketing

Trying to close a large deal with a specific company? Use Ecom Industries to geo-target their corporate headquarters and deliver a specific ad just to them. Or maybe there are a number of companies on your hot list. Use geo-targeting to deliver ads to your most important prospects.

Target Big or Small

With Location-Based targeting on Ecom Industries, you can target your ads to an entire state, a single neighborhood or even to a single building. Need to target multiple locations? Ecom Industries makes that easy, too.